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Do you have a bigger project in mind or just don't know where to start?
Don't worry, we can help you
A basic alarm system with 1 door contact, 2 PIRs, 2 Key Fobs and Siren installed only £500* including VAT installed!
* Location dependent - additional travelling costs may apply

Ready to Install Alarm Kits
We offer a range of ready to install alarm kits, from a wireless kit with no external communication, to a GPRS alarm kit which will continue to function with a power and or internet failure on battery back using the in-build multi SIM GPRS network connection to send notifications to your mobile device.
Access and control your home from anywhere in the world and turn your smart phone into a portable keypad with the HomeControl+ App.
HomeControl+ delivers not only the security benefits of the multi-award winning two-way wireless intruder alarm system, the Enforcer, but the Secure Cloud enables remote control and access from anywhere over IP communications. There is also the introduction of 720p HD IP live video monitoring external and internal cameras.
SecureCloud capability
HD IP Internal and external cameras for live monitoring
Enforcer two-way wireless technology compatible
Latest industry agreement for applications (IA1501:2015)
Highly secure encryption
Downloadable on iOS and Android
Home Control+ App
(Replaced by Pro Control+ App)